Islas Feroe

Bringing the Gospel from the North

The first settlers in the Faroe Islands where Irish and after were the vikings. We have a long history of christian tradition. The Plymouth Bretheren have a strong tradtion to send missioners from the Faroe Isands out into the world, but like rest of Europe, there is also growing secularisim here.

Compared to rest of Europe, the church in the Faroe Islands is strong. Although, many who were once a part of the church no longer are. We desire for them to come back to the Lord. There is not the same fear of the Lord as there once was.

OM in the Faroe Islands has been a part of the Danish OM for many years, however, in 2012 OM Faroe Islands became an independent field when their own board and country leasders were established. The first Faroese to join was in 1964. We have had close ties to OM’s ship minstry. The current operating ship, the Logos Hope, used to be a Faroes passanger ferry called the Norrøna.

As OM Faroe Islands we have 3 main focuses:

  • Sending office- mobilizing Faroese people to go into all the nations.
  • Fund mobilizatation- raising finanacial support to help fund the various OM ministries around the world.
  • Equiping the local church- helping churches to keep a mission focus and reach out to their local communities.

How you can get involved:

  • PRAY
  • Pray for the Faroese people that feel called to go into the world and share the good news and that they will be obediant in their calling.  
  • Pray that the Faroe Islands will be a nation will be a God-fearing nation.
  • Give thanks for the Faroese missionaries serving God faithfully and for those who continue to support OM ministry and missionaries.

 More information about the Faroe Islands

  • Population: 50,000
  • Official Language: Faroese
  • State of economy: Our economy is based on fishing and salmon farming. We have a small tourism industry and it continues to grow.
  • Religious make up: Religion plays an important role in the Faroese culture and a majority of the population, approximately 85%, belong to the Faroese Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Faroe Islands is a diocese divided into 14 parishes with a total of 62 churches and 9 houses of prayer. There is a bishop, a dean and 21 ministers. The church has organisations and associations attached to it, among them the Inner Mission, the Evangelical Mission, and the KFUK and KFUM, which correspond to the YWCA and YMCA.

    There are several other demnomation in the Faroe Islands, the largest of which is the Plymouth Brethren, with approximately 13% of the total population belonging to them. Other religious communities are the Roman Catholic Church, the Salvation Army, the Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventists, Charismatic. Other religious communities include Jehovah’s Witnesses and Bahá´Faith.

  • Personality of the culture/people: Typical Islanders are laid back, realtional, and very friendly. In their core they are a hard working people, but it is not always easy for them to submit to authority. .