Seville, Spain :: Lucas Brito (Spain/Brazil) helps a food organization by packing the foods.

Following God's leading

Logos Hope :: Lucas (Brazil/Spain) shares his personal story about his journey to join and serve on board.

“On the 25th of August 2019, I walked up the gangway and never looked back…”

Lucas Brito’s (Brazil and Spain) Logos Hope journey began at a youth camp. Despite going to just have fun, he felt “every single session was designed for me. It was very relatable.” It was there he attended a workshop about professionals and serving and came home full of passion. “They talked a lot how vocations and serving can be tied together. And about how professionals can and should be involved in helping people.”

Lucas’ family had been involved in sharing hope across the globe his whole life. He had thought, “that’s just not me. It’s my parents, but it’s not me.” But now he felt God was speaking to Him personally and decided to commit his life to serving others, “I’m not gonna live my life for myself – I’m gonna live my life for God.” This led to noticing a myriad of opportunities to join like-minded organisations, but Logos Hope kept being brought to the forefront. After being accepted, he joyfully began preparations for the ship’s three-month Short-Term Exposure Programme (STEP). Money was a concern for Lucas, however “in only four days, all the support was raised for my STEP, my insurance and my flight back home.” It was clear that when Lucas responded to God's leading, He equipped and provided for him.

“I remember on my first day, writing in my journal that I will stay longer than three months. I had only had lunch in the dining room and visited the bookfair. I hadn’t started orientation yet. I just knew that this is it, this is the place. What made me want to stay longer was the community and the safe environment that this was to grow. I think this is one of the best places to make mistakes because it’s okay if it happens. They want you to grow. It was the first place someone gave me responsibilities and trusted me because of who I am and not who my parents are.”

For the first part of Lucas’ Logos Hope time, the ship was in Latin America. Lucas’ multilingual background was a real asset that was utilised often. “They needed Portuguese and Spanish speakers to help with events and connecting crewmembers with local people.” However, this came with its own challenges. “I remember one connect day when we put on a programme for kids. It was super cool, but I was just translating. I remember driving back to the ship feeling annoyed and disappointed because I didn’t connect with people. But then this one girl from the ship thanked me for translating. It was moment when it became clear that God can use me in ways I didn’t even imagine. I was the only Portuguese speaker in the group, and so through me kids could hear the message and my team could connect with people. After that I never complained about a connect day again because I learnt that each role in each event or programme is important. It’s not up to me to judge, it’s just up to me to serve.”

Lucas worked in several different roles and departments throughout his three years of service on board Logos Hope including International Café team member, photographer, advance preparation team member and STEP co-ordinator.

How can YOU use your gifts and talents to serve others? There is a wide variety of roles on board and onshore. Come to serve, learn and grow on one of our ships.

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