Relief worker


Partnership Type

Full Time

Commitment Length

1-2 years



Partnership Overview

‘to be there when it's most needed; to provide relief through our local ministries and churches in emergency cases'

Required Skills

‘to be there when it's most needed; to provide relief through our local ministries and churches in emergency cases' People can get into problems they cannot fix themselves, while the problems ask for a direct response to keep these people safe and alive. We think of a roof above your head, safety for you and your family; having basic food and water. And whatever the causes, if people don't have this, we are called to care for them.  After the 2019 earthquake and the covid-crises we have seen how relief can be a great testimony of the love of Christ. You can be a part of a ministry in pioneer stage that will work among the poor families (Physically, Spritually, and emotionally) of Albania to provide relief and to develop them. Helping them in their urgent short term needs and providing opportunities for long term progress.

Relief workers can help our team to intentionally reach out to people in direct physical or emotional needs. In any emergency, affecting bigger groups or just a family, it would be great to step in, help practically and spiritually. We have some resources, including an apartment, to be able to help.

You will need:

  • A pioneering spirit
  • A heart to reach out to people in need
  • Willingness to learn Albanian
  • Any experience is an extra (social work, youth and kids ministry, crisis/relief work)
  • Basic admin skills (MS word, outlook, etc)
  • This is not a paid role, support must be raised for living expenses.

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* The jobs listed on this website do not have a set salary. This means that the person who applies will need to raise their own support, which is money that they will use to live on. The amount of support money they need to raise will depend on things like where they are from, if they have a family, and what country they will be working in. There might be some jobs that pay salary, but these are rare and would need to be negotiated with the sending offices and the teams you'd like to serve with. If you have any questions about this, please contact your local home office. Always keep in mind that our ministry depends on generous giving from our partners around the globe and God's ongoing provision. Joining OM is always seen as a step of faith and trust in a God who will provide for our needs through his chosen people.