A small group of women from an impoverished community in Southern Africa, gather together for a bible study.

Where Maya serves, sharing the love of Christ sometimes involves literacy and tailoring lessons. In addition to learning new skills, participants can find an income, hope and a new life in Christ.

Dedicated Jesus followers like Maya* in southern Africa, commit their time, energy and resources to share their skills, knowledge and the hope of Jesus with women from Muslim backgrounds.

In 2005, Maya joined OM and, over the years, served in various ministries. Though she has a broad passion for “women, kids and youth,” the last 12 years of her ministry were devoted to women in southern Africa. “I invest more time in women because I know that they are more on the neglected side of society,” she shared.

While society may neglect women, Maya noticed that many women turn the other cheek and sow into their communities. “When you help one woman, that woman will transform many lives. One mother is a mother for everyone in the community.” This is why the work extends far beyond Maya's reach, though she does everything possible to go to as many communities as possible.

Throughout the week, Maya totes five sewing machines into five different communities to teach 30-60 women to sew. Frequently, the lessons are conducted in small rooms with limited space, “it’s crazy, and it’s overwhelming, but we love it anyway,” Martha remarked.

“We are teaching women how to sew and how to read and write because, in our local communities, you just can't go and say you want to preach the gospel. No one will come. So, we use these skills to reach out to many women and what is happening is that many lives are being transformed.”

As demonstrated by the seasons and elements of nature, transformation is often not an instant process. Maya notes that though not many women have become believers yet, “you can see the beauty of a woman learning how to read or just to write her name.” This tremendous and rare opportunity for women in the region has made a noticeable impact.

Not only has Maya spoken with women who are astounded that they can now read and write, but she has also seen examples where their newfound abilities and knowledge have influenced their families. “The greatest thing is to hear a woman come to you and say that they were able to help their child with their homework," said Maya. "They are feeling confident that they are important, they can finally teach their kids how to read.”                  

Others in the communities have noticed the shifts in those impacted by the ministry. Once, a man approached Maya and said: “I just want to appreciate what you are doing in our community. I'm able to relate with my wife now. She's able to communicate to me freely and the attitude towards me is so different. I want just to appreciate and hope you continue with the work that you're doing.”

This has brought Maya to pray, “Lord, may You continue to transform our lives. That through these women, their husbands might also come to the Lord.”


As the team continues to pray and serve in various communities, they encounter several challenges as Jesus followers in a predominately Muslim area. At one point, while on the way to meet with a fellow mission worker, Maya's husband was attacked in the street by two men with a metal bar and stones.

“I’ve had my life threatened many times; we keep going and are seeing lives changed.” Maya said, “Not only spiritually, even physically, because when they learn how to make the clothes, they sell these things.”

Maya asks for people to pray for those “serving in Muslim communities. It's not easy serving there.” The passion and vision for the ministry in southern Africa is clear, with Maya asserting that: “I have appreciated every step. If I were given the opportunity, I would go back 100 times and do this same thing again. Continue praying for us. I know He called us for a reason.”

Pray for the women involved in the tailoring and literacy programmes and for Muslim communities in southern Africa — that their hearts would be softened to the love, light and Truth of Jesus. Continue to pray for Maya and the ministry. Pray for the provision of finances for sewing supplies and Bibles and for more people with a heart for teaching women to join.

*name changed

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