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picture by Lennard Prediger

The power of the cross

Damla first desired to know Jesus after an encounter with witchcraft. She had been cursed and was desperate for a cure. Looking for one led her to search for a Bible.

Damla* first desired to know Jesus because of an encounter with witchcraft. A Russian mullah (Muslim religious official) had put a curse on her, and she was desperate for a cure. To find one, people advised that she go to church.

Taking that advice, she went to a church in Ganja, a city in western Azerbaijan, where she was studying. There, she told the priests what had happened, and they prayed for her. During that prayer, she felt someone touch her back. When she turned around, she saw the cross.

At that moment, Damla felt that the Holy Spirit had touched and completely cleaned her. Afterward, she began to search for Jesus — to know her healer.

Damla connected with the OM team in the Caucasus through social media, and a few of the team members met her in person. One of them, Nermin,* told Damla about Jesus’ life. She shared the gospel and her own testimony as an Azeri believer, which encouraged Damla. She was overjoyed to meet believers from her same culture. They prayed with Damla, who had been struggling with resentment and anger. Afterward, Damla felt free.

Nermin has continued to meet with, encourage and disciple Damla. They pray together and talk about all the changes and challenges in Damla’s life. Unfortunately, Damla is struggling with an illness, but she is trusting God to heal her.

Now Damla attends church regularly and brings her mother with her. She is also leading a Discovery Bible Study with several ladies that she has led to the Lord. Both in her hometown and in the city, Damla is sharing the good news of Jesus with others.

Please pray for the Lord to heal Damla and to bless her ministry. May He strengthen her, as she serves and obeys Him.

*name changed

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