People celebrate Yalda, the Persian festival of light, at OM's community centre in Warsaw.

Arwa*, Arman* and their young family came to Poland in search of a better life by establishing a business. They met Weronika, the OM team leader, who works with refugees, and their lives changed in more ways that they could imagine.

“I could see the love they [the team] had for people not just believers in Jesus, and their desire to help refugees, not just from Ukraine or Europe, but all people,” Arwa* explained.

Arwa, Arman* and their young family came to Poland in search of a better life by establishing a business. They met Weronika, the OM team leader, who works with refugees, and their lives changed in more ways that they could imagine.

“Poland is a vibrant European nation of 38 million that draws thousands to come here,” says Weronika. “They come from warn-torn, vulnerable and exploitative situations. Poland receives the largest number of migrants within EU. As followers of Christ, we feel called to offer them love, practical help and an invitation to a new life in Jesus. Our projects reach out to Muslim background refugees with a combination of practical aid and discipleship.” Such projects are few in Poland.

OM’s projects include a community centre for all nations in Warsaw. The centre offers language teaching, fitness, art and dance, or support groups, the chance to pray and discuss the Bible and other topics. Through the activities deep and meaningful relationships are built.

“We also have a dance class and a sports class,” says Arwa, now a centre volunteer, and believer in Jesus. “My friend Lili* teaches dance; we have a song about God we dance to. Sometimes older women from Ukraine enjoy it, too. When I think about the songs, I think about God - it's a different way of worship”.  Arwa has also learnt English and Polish and helps other Persian-speaking women by translating for them. She has also received and studies her own Persian Bible in her heart language.

Arwa, Arman and her little family came to make a better life. God met them, brought them into community and showed them His heart for His world.

Critical Funding Need:  
$4500 will enable meeting strategic needs of refugees throughout 2024 in the most challenging chapter of their lives (one-time medical needs, practical essentials, hygiene and clothing).

*Names changed to protect identities

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