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Reaching the Bengalis with media

Media Strategists give an update on connecting with other media practitioners, as well as the development of a digital library of resources to reach out to Bengalis all over the world.

Media Strategy is laying the foundation for the effective use of media in sharing the good news of Christ and discipling Jesus followers around the world. The team walks alongside ministries who desire to use media to connect and engage with the unreached, such as Bengali Global Network (BGN), a coalition of social media ministries reaching out to Bengalis.

MediaWorks is working with BGN to create a digital library of resources to connect with Bengali seekers or new believers in rural and urban communities worldwide. The Media Strategy team is now going through the results of a questionnaire sent to various ministries working among Bengalis to determine the best framework and structure for the digital library.

In May 2023, Bob, one of MediaWorks’ Media Strategists, attended a Christian media conference of over 700 practitioners and ministries. Bob led a session on media strategy and was able to connect with multiple individuals and teams interested in learning more about using media effectively to reach the unreached.

Pray for ongoing communication with new contacts coming out of the Christian media conference and further development of the BGN.

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