
“Some people will come to us and say: ‘You are the first person I have ever told that I am HIV+ or that my family member is,’” said Holly. “They have carried it with them for so many years because they are afraid of rejection..."
“We live in an exciting time,” shares Ivy. “We can still share God’s love during this time and people might be even more open than ever. No one has the excuse of no time. Finally, you can write that newsletter or set up those calls with supporters. This is a great opportunity to reconnect and to pray for them. Non-Christian family and friends might want to hear your testimony for the first time. Share all the stories of how God took you through difficult times in the past. The whole world is in a waiting game.”
Ivy, in the striped shirt on the left, does a Bible study at Lake Tanganyika. Photo by Doseong Park.
“I find it interesting: the different (cultures) and how we can all work together,” Ivy said. “We can live together and show that God is real. [He’s] not just in one culture, nor does God do things [one particular] way.”
"Since my childhood, I have been anxious about missing out. I remember not wanting to sleep whenever I heard the adults chatting in the night. I wanted to be part of it all. Later on, in high school, I said “yes” to every event and outing, which ended up crashing so many times. I couldn’t choose. I wanted to be there to celebrate all the fun moments but also share all the tears in the low moments," says Ivy.

"However, this lifestyle of being afraid of missing out could not continue when I joined missions. I have had to learn how to let go when I miss out on opportunities to create precious memories with family and friends in my home country."