EthnoArts Exposure in Senegal

2 okt 2024 -
12 okt 2024
NOK 7051.00

Type reise


Størrelse på gruppe


Søk før

25 jul



Oversikt over reisen

Senegalese Christians in our partner's network are unaware that the local music and arts that surround them are a viable and respectable means of connecting with Jesus. Our purpose in these 10 days is to expose participants to this value. This may include direct teaching, discussion groups around relevant topics, and a concert. We will address questions about cultural arts being demonic, as well as give advice about how to research cultural arts to both find what and where they are as well as what they communicate. Our primary objective in this project is to expose our partners as well as churches and Christians in their network in Senegal to the power of their own local arts in their Christian worship and witness. We have also been asked to provide preliminary training in how to find and cultivate local arts for this purpose.

Hva du kan forvente

The precise details will be determined in cooperation with the EthnoArts facilitators recruited for this project.
Team Member Roles:

  • Team leader: Provides organizational, logistical, and spiritual support to the team before during, and after the time in country. Liaison with the local host while the team is on the ground.
  • EthnoArts Facilitators: Knowledgeable and experienced in Ethnomusicology, EthnoArts and/or Ethnodoxology. Experience with “redeeming the arts” in African or post-colonial contexts as well as research methodology and practice is preferred.
  • Intercessor: responsible for praying for every aspect of the trip.
  • Photographer or Videographer: Responsible for documenting the project
  • Learner: People seeking experience in facilitating EthnoArts workshops, facilitating arts in missions and ministry.


Age Range: 18-65

All participants will be required to participate in pre-trip preparation and training.
Participants should also be experienced and knowledgeable in what they will teach.
A flexible, adaptable, relaxed, “willing to take what you receive” sort of perspective will be helpful on this project.

  • Team Members who are competent in French are preferred*

Ofte stilte spørsmål

Vil det bli sørget for overnatting?

Participants for this project will be staying in Christian missionary guesthouses or hotels in Dakar or Théis Senegal.

Vil det tilbys mat?

Food will be provided along with accommodation, by restaurants, or by a person already arranged by the hosting ministry. Please advise us early of any significant food allergies or restrictions.
Basic meals are included in the cost.

Må jeg ordne reisen min selv?

International flights should be arranged in and out of Dakar, Senegal
Local travel, i.e. from the airport and between the team's accommodations and the training venue will be arranged by our host ministry.
Please confirm the the details of the trip with the project organizer before purchasing flights.

Hvordan bør helsetilstanden min være?

According to some sources, the following diseases are present in Senegal. Precautions are recommended.
Yellow Fever
Meningococcal Meningitis
A COVID (14 days prior) vaccination or negative PCR test (72 hours) are required to enter Senegal.

  • Travel medical insurance that covers your whole stay in Senegal is required. Please send the project organizer confirmation of and a copy of your policy prior to arriving.*

Trenger jeg visum?

A visa is usually required to enter Senegal. Please confirm with the Senegalese embassy or consulate overseeing your country of citizenship to confirm if you can get this on arrival or if you must get it before arriving.

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