Trinidad & Tobago
Our vision for the Caribbean and its believers is for them to: Go, Pray, Give, and Grow.
Our vision for the Caribbean and its believers is for them to: Go, Pray, Give and Grow. We want to raise up believers to go overseas into world missions. Currently, we have 15 Caribbean believers serving on 5 OM fields.
Prayer is the most important aspect of mobilizing believers into world missions. As people and churches begin to pray for the world, they gain a heart for other people and then the rest of our vision happens!
We also want to encourage Caribbean believers to give their finances to support world missions. And not only do we want to show the Church of the Caribbean that they have much to offer to a world in need, but we want to provide them opportunities to grow in their walks with God and in life.
OM Caribbean is also committed to immediate relief after natural disasters and other catastrophic events. Our hope in relief and development is for many to come to know God and in turn help others know God in the Caribbean and around the world!
Learn more at www.omcaribbean.org or email at info.carib@om.org.