The fastest growing church movement in the Muslim world
The fastest growing church movement in the Muslim world
Algeria is officially a Muslim nation but the Lord is doing an amazing thing in our generation.
In 1992, the Islamic party capitalized on popular discontent and won the elections. The Government declared the vote invalid and led the country into a decade of civil war. Over 100,000 people, mostly civilians, died and the country is deeply traumatized by the violence it has witnessed. Although incidents still take place, the political situation has greatly improved and people are longing to leave a dark decade behind.
Around 1981, God began to move in an amazing way amongst the seven million Kabyle people. This people group, mostly living in the mountains east of the capital, has long suffered under suppression and discrimination and many are tired of Islam’s religion.
A handful of new believers braved persecution and started preaching the gospel in village after village. God’s Spirit has been clearly at work, up to this day. Many report healings and miraculous signs, but the greatest miracle is the numerous lives changed by Christ’s healing presence.
There are an estimated 100,000 Kabyle believers in the country, who worship the Lord Jesus. This is the fastest growing church movement in the Muslim World. But with this incredible growth come over-whelming needs.
The unfinished task is still significant. The churches need their leaders to be trained. Outside the Kabyle mountains, among 40 million unreached people, there are only around 1,000 believers gathering in 25-30 mainly small fellowships.
Today, we are 48 adults and 26 children in the House of Hope team. We are involved in 11 ministries (Timothy Bible School; Evangelism, Follow Up & Church Planting; Radio & Satellite TV program production; Micro-enterprises; Christian Literature Printing & Distribution; Relief & Development; Chinese Outreach & Evangelism; Hospitality & Compassion Ministry; Local Fellowship; and Algerians for Mission A4M).
Video: What God is doing amongst the Christians in Algeria
Video: Algerians for Missions Training Centre
How You Can Help
OM has partnered with the local church in Algeria through forming a team of mostly indigenous believers seeking to finish the mission. We need partners interceding and financing the team.
We do not have a training program for internationals, but are open to invite those with previous experience in the Arab world to join us.
Algeria demands a visa for visitors and ways to reside are limited to entrepreneurs, foreign language teachers, and those with special skills.
Our vision is that Jesus would be known all over Algeria, seeing multitudes discipled and churches established throughout the country, led by called and well trained Algerians, influencing the world, especially North Africa and the Muslim World.
For financial support, please send a gift designated to "House of Hope Algeria" through your local OM office or give online at www.om.org/en/give to support the work of OM in Algeria.
More information about Algeria
- Population: 40 million
- Languages: Arabic, French, Berber
- People groups: Arabs, Kabyle Berbers, Chinese, Chenoua, Saharawi, Mzabs, Tuaregs etc.
- Geography: 5 times the size of France. Mostly populated in the north.
- Politics: Republic. Led by president Bouteflika since 1999, re-elected in 2014 for the fourth time.
- Economy: $3316.02 GDP per capita. Unemployment rate is at 10.60% . The hydrocarbon sector is the backbone of the economy.